Friday 10 January 2014

Hello January!

So it's a brand new month of a brand new year and boy am I excited. Not only is there the smell of newness in the air because of the date but because I am moving to Cape Town... tomorrow!

This has been a dream of mine which has been brewing over the past two years and I can't believe I'm about to watch it unfold before my eyes. I'm pinching myself as it's so surreal. I have made the most amazing friends in this city over these past two years and started dating the most incredible guy and now we don't have to live off short visits but permanent residence. I aim to be more active on this blog this year and want to start my own photography blog too as I started shooting weddings recently. I will post some of the most recent wedding's photos up soon. I'm excited to be studying at Vega Cape Town as well this year, doing my third and final year. What more of a better place could you want to study a creative degree in but Cape Town. There are so many opportunities and possibilities, I'll be sure not to miss.

I found these really cool calendar printables that I have printed out to use in my new room this year. Be sure to check them out and other cool design resources here:

Here's to a fantastic 2014!